Brendan Macs Guitar Gear

Guitar, guitar FX, demo's and general guitar fun and 90s minimalist website layout enthusiast

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Site Update 2023 #1 - All is well

August 8, 2023 | News

Hi everyone! Just a quick update.  I've been a bit busy with regular work commitments unfortunately but keep an eye out, I will be posting more content soon, just with work, life, band and other commitments have kept me from working on FX pedals and electronics but I have been working on some new video content for TikTok and YouTube.

You can watch the latest Yet Another Pedal Demo video of a Marshall VibraTrem pedal I found at a second hand store.  Also have some new video content to work on for a Wampler EQuator pedal and another cash converters find of an old Arion Metal Master pedal.  Ill do a full blog and video on it when I get a chance, what a nostalgia trip that is I can tell ya!

YAPD Episode #6 - 7th July 2023

Found a pedal at a local second hand shop called Cash Converters.  Normally the pedal range is pretty much junk but every now and then an untouched gem comes along.

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